Refreshing a beloved brand - Champ Blog

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Refreshing a beloved brand

by Brooke Christensen

It’s easy to confuse a rebrand with a brand refresh. They are actually two different things and serve distinct purposes. Rebranding is an extensive endeavor
that involves stepping away from existing logo and brand elements and starting completely over. Companies choose to rebrand if their current brand
is confusing, no longer accurate, or due to a merger or acquisition. A brand refresh involves updating and building upon a brand structure that is
already known and loved. Instead of starting from scratch, designers update visual elements and make subtle changes to the branding. 

We recently helped give Grand Jewelers brand refresh. They have a strong customer base who both know them and love them. In fact, their motto is “we treat
each customer like a member of our family.” Grand wanted to continue to convey that message while refreshing their brand with new colors, an updated
logo, and a new website design. 


In addition to the new colors and brand, we updated the design of their website to convey
the elegance of the brand in addition to simplifying the structure of the site. We helped them streamline information to make the focal point e-commerce
and shopping. Not only does their new design improve user experience, but it’s designed to help the company have more e-commerce success.


Comparing the new site design to the old

View the new Grand Jewelers website and see for yourself the beautiful new brand refresh.