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Quality Content Trumps Quantity

It is essential when you are creating content for your website that you carefully consider the value of that content to users. If you focus only on stuffing vast volumes of writing with as many key phrases as possible without it serving a purpose, you will frustrate visitors and loose authority with the search engines.  Sometimes there are short-term gains to be made with this type of strategy, but if you are looking for long-term growth and success, quality is imperative. By offering useful content to your readers, you increase the odds that they will return to your site, or, better yet, that they will share your content with their network of colleagues or friends. You can leverage the work that goes into content creation by using it to feed social media outlets thus further enhancing your reputation as a thought leader. Focus on highlighting what your business does best. Offer solutions to industry pain points. Web content is often your first impression with potential prospects and customers, be sure to make it count.