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Grow Your Content, Build Your Site

Do you have a website? If you do, you must have a base of content already generated about your business.  

The most difficult part of a content strategy are those first steps. Once you have a base of content, it is easy to build from there to make your site
richer and deeper.

First, go through your content and pick out words that could use additional explanation. Consider whether you could provide your users more information
about these words on an additional page that can be linked to from that word.  Perhaps that information could also live in a resourcecenter
on your site for easy access to your users.

Once you have developed all of the topics on your site to their full extent, revisit the keyphrases you most want to rank for. Do they all have a logical
home on your site?  Do they have pages dedicated to them that are useful to your audience? When you find words that don’t yet have
content dedicated to them, look for clean ways to add them to your site.

The more you build and deepen your website content, the more useful it will be to your viewers, and the more highly it will likely rank with the search

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