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Be a Star on LinkedIn

There are more than 364 million users connected to LinkedIn and the site remains unique in its purpose. The site has a number of tools available that you
can use to promote your business! Let’s review some ideas on how you can easily promote your business on LinkedIn.

  1. In 2014, LinkedIn launched a publishing platform in house; members are now able to publish their content through the site directly. By adding publications
    within the LinkedIn site, a member can boost their profile (papers shared on personal profiles and within a particular network) and build authority
    within the site.
  2. There is a great tool called the Groups feature: Groups sets up a subset of professionals or business within a specified grouping such that certain
    content, job opportunities, and business relationships are all automatically connected. By creating and maintaining these groups, a business can
    boost authority within an industry and create a community online. This community can then serve as a great source of clients or learning materials.
  3. The Showcase Page tool on LinkedIn extends the typical page built for businesses, allowing specifics to be spotlighted. If there is a particular brand,
    company, or business campaign of interest, your business can utilize the Showcase Page to promote it to viewers. These pages are ideal for targeting
    communities and partners.
  4. Two LinkedIn features that can be used independently, but really thrive as a unit. First, there is the Content Marketing Score. This analytics tool
    calculates a score to help business gauge the impact of the money spent on marketing and advertisements. Second, there is the Trending Content
    feature. This creates a list of topics based on a company’s targeted consumer and ranks them in order of popularity. As a unit, the Content Marketing
    Score and the Trending Content feature allow a business to direct content and advertising appropriately to boost success on LinkedIn.

By maintaining an up-to-date LinkedIn profile and following these simple tips, your business will thrive on this popular business media platform!

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