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Are You Using Google Search Console in Your SEO Strategy?

Google Search Console is an incredibly useful tool offered by Google to help you better understand the ranking of your website in search results.

Understanding how Google will be crawling, analyzing, and indexing webpages helps you to ensure that your site ends up ahead of the others. Before anything
else, in order to use this tool, you will be required to verify ownership of your website, and the more methods you use to do so, the more powerful
your ownership will become.

The first portion of your Google Search Console results will relate to the search appearance of your site. Here you will find various features and errors
within your structured data. Using the data highlighter tool, you can adjust the structured data without going into a site from the backend. You will
also see a collection of errors concerning meta descriptions, titles, and non-indexed content. Finally, the search appearance data will offer you a
chance to reorganize your sitelinks to more appropriately structure your website for SEO.

The second portion of data you will receive involves search traffic. Here, you see actual search analytics that describe your website within Google search
results. You are able to see where your visitors are coming from and even how many viewers got to your site through the image search. The search traffic
data also allows you to see the linking domains, anchor text, and the pages within your site that are the most linked to. There will be data on the
success of your internal links as well. The manual actions page of the report shows any actions found on your site that require penalization. While
most site owners hope to avoid this entirely, this feature is a great way to address problems that Google would be penalizing you for without your
knowing. This section will also generate a report on the mobile usability of your website.

The third portion will deal with Google indexing. Here you will get information on your index status, content keywords, and blocked resources. Overall,
this free program offers a website owner indispensable information regarding the ranking status of a website. By collecting this information, you are
better prepared to work productively to better SEO using a range of techniques.

Dig a little deeper here or you can always contact Champ for additional

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